Later Political Writings - Karl Marx (Cambridge University Press translations)
Brings together translations of Marx's most important texts in political philosophy written after 1848. The works are presented here complete, according to the first editions or the earliest manuscript state, and include the Manifesto of the Communist Party, the Preface of 1859 to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, The Civil War in France, and the little-known Notes on Adolph Wagner. More than most…
Surely just the complete
Surely just the complete first volume of Philosophy of Poverty? And that is the subtitle, its title is System of Economic Contradictions.
Some of volume 2 has been included in Property is Theft!. Also, I recently translated its conclusion:
Chapter XIV: Summary and Conclusion
An interesting piece, and puts Marx's so-called critique of his methodology in question -- assuming you take it seriously in the first place, which you shouldn't.